800 213 213

RBP - health insurance company in the Czech Republic

Call us on

800 213 213

For international calls

+420 596 213 213

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Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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Who we are?

We are employees' health insurance company in the Czech Republic. Nowadays more than 425 000 insured mainly in Northern and central Moravia and in Silesia. A network of 39 branch offices and agencies ensures availability and direct contacts with clients. RBP is a member of the Union of Health Insurance Companies of ČR.

Business name

RBP, zdravotní pojišťovna
(RBP, health insurance company)

Michálkovická 967/108
Slezská Ostrava, 710 00 Ostrava

Identification number of the organization: 476 73 036

Statutory director
Ing. Antonín Klimša, MBA, executive director
The executive director acts on behalf of RBP independently and signs on its behalf by appending his signature to the name of the company.

Code of RBP health insurance company

For calls from abroad
+420 596 213 213

What does the RBP health insurance plan offer you?

  • Providing public health insurance for insurees.
  • Provision and brokarage of further contractual insurance and additional insurance arranged mainly in relation to the insurance of health care expenses exceeding the scope of care covered from public health insurance.
  • The collection of health insurance fees and the audit of the collection.
  • The audit of the volume and quality of using and providing care covered from public health insurance including maintaining prices by contractual health care facilities and insurees.
  • The payment for preventive care provided by company physicians and for specific health care in case of employees whose work requires an increased standard of health care.
  • Refunding health care costs paid from public health insurance if the care was provided by health care facilities in the Czech Republic or by health care facilities on the basis of international contracts.
  • Lending medical devices to insurees on the basis of the indication of insuree's doctor in accordance with delegated legislation including keeping records of these devices.
  • Managing its own property and the property entrusted under the article 11 of the Act No. 280/1992 as amended.

Establishment of RBP and the Czech law

RBP, health insurance company (hereinafter "insurance company") has been established on 1st February 1993 by the decision of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs ČR on 29th January 1993, reference number 23901/93-15 under the Departmental, Branch and Other Health Insurance Companies Act No. 280/1992 as amended by later regulations. The insurance company entered in the company register kept by the Regional Commercial Court in Ostrava, section A.XIV, enclosure 554, on 20th April 1993.

The insurance company is a legal entity, the name of the company is used in legal relations, the company can acquire rights and duties and is responsible for issues resulting from these relations.

All the conditions of public health insurance in the Czech Republic are defined in Act No. 48/1997 on Public Health Insurance [as amended].

Registration information 

In order to register for RBP, health insurance company make an appointment via email or visit any contact point of RBP in person. You will need a valid passport, employment contract.